Records Management

Butte County, CA Sheriff’s Office is Live!

Butte County Sheriff's Office

Sun Ridge Systems, Inc. would like to welcome Butte County, CA Sheriff’s Office to the RIMS family!  Butte County is located in northern California and is home to 225,000 residents.  The sheriff’s office of composed of 100 patrol deputies, 300 jail deputies, 13 communications officers, and 15 records and support staff.

Other Butte County RIMS agencies include Oroville Police Department, Paradise Police Department, and California State University (CSU) Chico Police Department.


Sheriff’s Office Uses RIMS to Arrest Suspect – Before Going LIVE!!

On February 6th, 2018, the Butte County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a concerned party reporting a person making threats to do a “Las Vegas style” shooting at the Gold Country Casino, located in Oroville, CA.

After piecing together other details, a deputy, who had just attended a RIMS training, asked “Hey, I know we aren’t LIVE with RIMS yet, but we saw our people stuff in there during training.  Any way someone can check RIMS to see if we can find a record on this guy?”  The dispatch supervisor accessed the RIMS conversion database and started running Searches narrowing down the search as more data came in.  Using RIMS (before they were “live”) the agency was able to narrow down the information to the point that they were able to identify the suspect.  Sheriff’s officials then went to the suspect’s house and made an arrest!

Agency officials told Sun Ridge Systems, ‘RIMS has paid for itself and we aren’t even live yet’.

Users are already seeing the benefit of the data they are putting into RIMS and how it can quickly pay off.

Butte County Sheriff's Office

California House Bill 953 – Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA)

California Seal

In addition to reporting on citizen complaints received by law enforcement agencies, under Penal Code section 832.5 and citizen complaints alleging felony or misdemeanor criminal conduct, AB 953 – also known as the Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA) – requires California law enforcement agencies to begin collecting and reporting data on complaints that allege racial or identity profiling.  To support law enforcement agencies in collecting the required data elements, Sun Ridge Systems has already implemented support for AB953 in RIMS Version 25, to be released this spring.

More information on this Act can be found at


St. Johns, AZ Police Department Joins the RIMS Family

St Johns Police Department

Sun Ridge Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce St. Johns Police Department has selected RIMS for their new records management system (RMS).  In addition to RMS, St. Johns PD will also use state link, Property Room, Citizen RIMS, iRIMS, and RIMS Collaborate.  As part of this project, St. Johns Police Department will join Apache County Sheriff’s Office, using RIMS as a multi-agency setup.  St. Johns Police Department serves a community of approximately 3,500.

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